WUST students at University of Miskolc: a legacy from MOBI-US!
The most complete publication about MOBI-US project is now available for download. Click on the button below to have access to the mobility options, MSc programs involved, offered courses, course descriptions, admission & administration procedures…and more!
The Mobility Pathways are available!
Have a look at the 13 offered mobility options and their details within MOBI-US network. These pathways are being reviewed for further adjustments, to provide you a better experience and added value during the mobility window!
MOBI-US Promotional videos
The partner universities have prepared promotional videos, presenting their universities, faculties, labs, equipment, field trips, and other facilities that will be offered to the guest students during MOBI-US!
A structured mobility network among raw materials-related Master programs in the East & South-East European countries
MOBI-US is an EIT RawMaterials funded project that will set up a pilot network among four ESEE universities that run different raw materials-related master programs. Through this network, master students will have the chance to shift for one semester – using a “mobility window” – to study at the partner university a different specialization compared to the home program.
Using structured mobility pathways, students may be specialized in fields less focused in their home program. The project gives added value to the existing home programs, and strengthens cooperation among ESEE universities.
The whole process will be mentored by university partners from institutions with longer experience in structured mobility schemes, as well as by industrial and research partners and experts.