MOBI-US at INTERMIN Final Conference!

The INTERMIN project held its Final Conference on the 22nd of June 2021, online. The project will be concluded at the end of June, and its main objective was to create a network of raw materials training centres worldwide – with the INTERMIN Portal. Through this Portal, students can filter their search of education programs on raw materials by region, by institution, and by disciplines/skills, which facilitates their decision making of the best destination according to their respective academic and/or professional objectives. In addition to helping students, the project also benefits the registered institutions, due to the global visibility that the Portal provides.

The final meeting had three main sessions: 1) Presentation of the results in each Work Package, 2) Presentations about EU projects that are connected/related to INTERMIN, 3) Stakeholders’ debate, and 4) Discussion on the vision of the future of education and skills in the raw materials sector. In this opportunity, under the session dedicated to EU projects related to INTERMIN, Márcio Tameirão (LPRC) presented the MOBI-US project.

During the first steps of MOBI-US the mentoring partners produced a guideline document on how to effectively set up the structured mobility network between the partner universities. One of topics in the guideline is the “Latest results on European qualifications framework, skill and competence catalogue for the raw materials sector”, which was a product of the work done in the INTERMIN project.

Therefore, this knowledge transfer from INTERMIN demonstrates the strong contribution and added value that it provided to MOBI-US in the successful implementation of the mobility pathways, according to the actual demands of the raw materials sector.