An important milestone of MOBI-US was achieved on 7-8 September, through the conclusion of the Matchmaking Workshop. This event was supposed to be held in person, in Wroclaw (Poland), however, due to the current restrictions it had to be held online. In June there was the first part of the event – also online – and now the project has concluded the second and last part of this important step. The two-day meeting had a total of 24 participants, between MOBI-US consortium partners, members of the Advisory Board, and the MSc program leaders from the networking institutions.
The first day (07/09) started with welcome words from the Project Coordinator Ferenc Mádai (University of Miskolc) and the host of the event Gabriela Paszkowska (Wrocław University of Science and Technology). After the introductions, the networking partners presented their results from the pre-workshop online exercise that was developed for them to learn in advance about each other’s offered programs and the potential partnerships that can be made for the mobility network. Each program representative showed their strengths and weaknesses, and the other partners could comment on it and set up individual meetings, in order to work on the feasibility of the partnership to create mobility pathways. Comments from the Advisory Board and Mentoring partners wrapped-up the first day of the workshop.

The second day (08/09) started with presentations made by the networking partners regarding their self-assessment on internal resources for the introduction of the joint programmes, followed by comments from the mentors. Afterwards, the partner finding activities had proceeded with individual online meetings between the networking partners to discuss the feasibility, logistics and administration procedures for the development of the mobilities. These parallel chats were split in three sections, in order to cover all the different potential partnerships between the offered MSc programmes in MOBI-US.

For the upcoming months, the MSc program leaders – with the help of the Mentoring Partners – will have the continuous “homework” of setting up individual e-meetings between the pre-identified potential partners to discuss further details and requirements for the smooth and effective implementation of the mobility scheme.
The next important milestone for MOBI-US will be the Industry Workshop in December 2020. This event will provide input and feedback from the raw materials industry, which will potentially be the future employers of the MOBI-US participant students.
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