The Draft Mobility Pathways were published!

As you may already know, the main objective of MOBI-US is to set up a structured mobility network between the offered raw materials-related MSc programs of the networking universities. For that purpose, the partners mutually found complementary MSc programs that can have an extra added value due to the mobility opportunity for a semester (30 ECTS).

Through workshops (1-Presentation of portfolios, 2-Matchmaking and 3-Industry workshop), consortium meetings, emails, and internal discussions; 13 potential pathways were co-developed to be offered to the students during their mobility window. These draft mobility pathways are now available on our webpage!

The Draft Mobility Pathways webpage is organized as a menu, in which visitors can learn about the programs involved in each of the pathways, and the semester in which the option for the mobility will take place. Each pathway has its own button (Pathway #number) that will lead visitors to the webpages dedicated to each pathway, with the complete information about them.

These 13 webpages contain not only the previous information found on the menu, but also the educational pathway of the MSc program, an introduction of the joint curricula, the courses of each semester, and the courses descriptions of the mobility semester.

These pathways are being reviewed and, if necessary, adjustments will be made in the upcoming weeks. Once the reviewing phase is finalized, the whole MOBI-US network – including the final mobility pathways, MSc programs involved, and the administration procedures for application and enrollment in the mobility will be available on the website.

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