Industry Workshop – the last event of 2020!
The Industry Workshop concludes MOBI-US’ events in 2020. The workshop gathered partners of the consortium, academic stakeholders, and industry players of the ESEE region (East & South-East Europe), to talk about what has been achieved within MOBI-US during the first project year.
The main objective of the Industry Workshop was to invite members of the raw materials industry, from different areas of the value chain, to learn about MOBI-US’ overall progress and the structured mobilities that had been developed by the partner institutions. Afterwards, these industrial representatives provided their impressions and feedback, which will help MOBI-US to achieve its ambitious goal: adding value to the existing MSc programs and to produce a well prepared workforce for the raw materials sector within the region.
The event was divided in two sessions. The morning session was dedicated to the consortium partners, in which the leaders of the MSc programs presented the mobility pathways that have been arranged with the other universities. This part of the meeting was a preparation for the following session, which was dedicated to presenting the project’s achievements to the representatives of the raw materials industry.
The afternoon session started with welcome words and an introduction of MOBI-US by the Project Coordinator Ferenc Mádai – University of Miskolc. After that, the guideline documents were presented by the mentoring partners – “Best Practices for Joint Programs” and “Skills, competence gaps and needs of the raw materials sector”. Afterwards, the networking universities briefly presented the drafted mobility pathways, which was followed by an open talk with the industry members to discuss what was presented, and to collect their suggestions and input. The discussion covered relevant topics that will help MOBI-US to achieve its goals and expected impacts towards the raw materials education in the ESEE region.
The feedback from industry players is essential for MOBI-US partners to align the next steps and produce a well-prepared generation of geologists and mining engineers, based on the technical and soft skills acquired with the mobility program. The event counted with 35 participants in total.
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Last Friday, on 27 November 2020, the representatives of the networking universities had the opportunity to present their faculties, offered courses, campuses, as well as other aspects of the student life at their universities to the interested audience that attended the MOBI-US Open Day event online. The representatives of each institution had 30 minutes to make their presentation, covering the main topics that will be offered to the students that intend to participate in the mobility program offered within MOBI-US. These introductions followed the sequence below:
- AGH University of Science and Technology
- University of Zagreb – Faculty RGNF
- University of Miskolc
- Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
This successful event was moderated and managed by Armand Abordán, a young fellow of University of Miskolc. There were 37 attendees in total, who could learn more about each one of the networking universities, and what they have to offer in the next academic year through MOBI-US. Some students showed their interest by asking questions about the timeline of the project, and about the start date of such mobilities.
Download the Press Release to learn more about the event!
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The next days will represent important milestones for the MOBI-US project. There will be two online events: MOBI-US Open Day, and the Industry Workshop.
The Open Day event will be an opportunity for the interested audiences to know more about the networking institutions and the MOBI-US project itself, in which there will be an agenda with timeslots for each partner university to introduce their facilities, teaching staff and everything that they will offer to the guest students that will participate in the structured mobility program. There is a webpage within MOBI-US website where you can find all the information about this event, the agenda, as well as the LINK to registration. It will be held tomorrow (27 November 2020) from 14:00 to 16:00 CET.
The next event will be the Industry Workshop. Next week, on 2 December 2020, representatives of the raw materials industry in the ESEE region are invited to join the event and provide their input and feedback on the mobility pathways that have been drafted by the program representatives over the past months (Online Workshop and Matchmaking Workshop). This input will improve the structure of these mobilities, which will add more value to the joint programs and, therefore, will culminate in a more prepared work force for the ESEE raw materials sector.
You can stay updated about these events and everything else about MOBI-US on the project’s website and social media channels.
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Monthly Consortium e-meeting
On 20 October 2020, the MOBI-US consortium had an e-meeting to discuss the project’s updates, progress, and the work plan for the upcoming weeks. These virtual meetings are held monthly in order to keep track on MOBI-US’ activities and align the workflow between work packages.
In this opportunity, the partners had fruitful discussions regarding the upcoming Online MOBI-US, in which the networking universities’ representatives will start liaising with the interested students – based on the registration form – to coordinate their enrollment in the virtual courses that are being offered in the current semester.
Another topic was the current state of the mobility pathways for joint MSc programs, in which the program representatives of each partner university will continue working on the mobility options by virtual discussions with the other partner(s). The draft scheme will be prepared and finalized in mid-November, and will be presented to the Industry partners in the next workshop.
The Industry workshop will be held in early December – online, in which companies, mining and geological associations, Geological Surveys and others will be invited to provide their input and feedback on the offered courses and mobility pathways that were jointly made by the networking institutions. Their input is extremely valuable since these institutions are potentially going to be the future employers of the students that will participate in MOBI-US program.
The last topic was about the Virtual Open Day of MOBI-US, which will happen on 27 November, during the EU Researchers Night event. The interested audiences will be able to have access to each university site within MOBI-US webpage during the event, as a “lobby” (to be advertised later). In addition, each university will prepare an introductory video (5 minutes long), presenting their facilities, offered courses and opportunities for the guest students in MOBI-US. These videos will also be available on the webpage and shared on the project’s social media channels.
The consortium is currently following the next steps of the work plan, in order to prepare for the next events and finalize the year of 2020 successfully.
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MOBI-US Matchmaking Workshop online!
An important milestone of MOBI-US was achieved on 7-8 September, through the conclusion of the Matchmaking Workshop. This event was supposed to be held in person, in Wroclaw (Poland), however, due to the current restrictions it had to be held online. In June there was the first part of the event – also online – and now the project has concluded the second and last part of this important step. The two-day meeting had a total of 24 participants, between MOBI-US consortium partners, members of the Advisory Board, and the MSc program leaders from the networking institutions.
The first day (07/09) started with welcome words from the Project Coordinator Ferenc Mádai (University of Miskolc) and the host of the event Gabriela Paszkowska (Wrocław University of Science and Technology). After the introductions, the networking partners presented their results from the pre-workshop online exercise that was developed for them to learn in advance about each other’s offered programs and the potential partnerships that can be made for the mobility network. Each program representative showed their strengths and weaknesses, and the other partners could comment on it and set up individual meetings, in order to work on the feasibility of the partnership to create mobility pathways. Comments from the Advisory Board and Mentoring partners wrapped-up the first day of the workshop.

The second day (08/09) started with presentations made by the networking partners regarding their self-assessment on internal resources for the introduction of the joint programmes, followed by comments from the mentors. Afterwards, the partner finding activities had proceeded with individual online meetings between the networking partners to discuss the feasibility, logistics and administration procedures for the development of the mobilities. These parallel chats were split in three sections, in order to cover all the different potential partnerships between the offered MSc programmes in MOBI-US.

For the upcoming months, the MSc program leaders – with the help of the Mentoring Partners – will have the continuous “homework” of setting up individual e-meetings between the pre-identified potential partners to discuss further details and requirements for the smooth and effective implementation of the mobility scheme.
The next important milestone for MOBI-US will be the Industry Workshop in December 2020. This event will provide input and feedback from the raw materials industry, which will potentially be the future employers of the MOBI-US participant students.
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Preparatory meeting pre-Matchmaking Workshop
The MOBI-US consortium had an e-meeting last Friday (28 August 2020) in order to prepare for the next important step of the project – the Matchmaking Workshop. The preparatory meeting was an opportunity to finalize the agenda, objectives, registration procedure, as well as to discuss the activities and exercises that will be performed in the event. The objective of the workshop activities and exercises is to create complementary programmes that will fill the skill gaps and serve market needs, as well as to give a strong added value to the linked original master programs.
The two-day event will be an opportunity for the representatives to meet (virtually), and discuss the potential complementary courses in each others’ programmes, and the main expected outcome is the first draft mobility network (pairs of programmes with mobility pathways).
The MOBI-US Matchmaking Workshop will be held online, on 7-8 September 2020, to be attended by the project consortium, program leaders of the networking institutions, and members of the Advisory Board. After the workshop, the Networking and Mentoring partners will proceed with the partner finding work through regular online meetings, in order to adjust and improve the drafted mobility routes.
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Second day of MOBI-US Online workshop!
Today, 1 July 2020, was the second and last day of the MOBI-US Online workshop, which concludes the Phase 1 of the project – the first project semester. The e-meeting had a total of 42 participants, between consortium partners, presenters, members of the Advisory Board, and stakeholders from the academic and industry sectors.
The event started with a presentation from the project coordinator Ferenc Mádai, about the expected results at the end of the project, such as the organization, staff and material that need to be inline for a proper execution of the structured mobility between the universities. In addition, Ferenc presented the “homework” for the program representatives of the partner universities, as a preparation for the Matchmaking Workshop in Wroclaw – Poland.
After that, LPRC representatives talked about how the Matchmaking Workshop will look like. The company has extended experience in leading and moderating workshops, therefore the planned activities, matchmaking exercises and discussions were presented.
Following, the program leaders of the networking universities (AGH, UNIM, RGNF and WUST) presented the education programs that are going to be offered for MOBI-US’ students; and also briefly mentioned the potential partners for networking based on the strenghts and weaknesses of the currently offered courses. The presentations covered the scope, structure and objectives of the programs; planned / wished disciplines for extension of the home program by using mobility windows; and the contact details of the people in charge of the mobility route development.
Finally, Gabriela Paszkowska, from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST), talked about practical information about the Matchmaking Workshop, to be held on 7-8 September 2020, in Wroclaw – Poland. WUST is the technical organizer of the event.
Click here if you want to learn about the outcomes and details of the first day (30 June 2020) of the workshop.
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First day of MOBI-US Online workshop!
This morning, on 30 June 2020, the MOBI-US project has reached another important milestone. A total of 40 participants, between consortium partners, industrial and academic stakeholders, as well as programme leaders from the future networking institutions, participated in the first day of the MOBI-US Online workshop. This event was supposed to be held in Wroclaw, Poland, but due to the COVID-19 restrictions on travel and social interaction, it had to be split in two parts – Online (30/06 and 01/07) and a face-to-face event (which will happen later in 2020).
The first session started with welcome words from the project coordinator Ferenc Mádai, followed by a quick round of presentations of the consortium members and programme leaders of the partner institutions. In the following section, Ferenc presented an overview about MOBI-US, highlighting its background, objectives, structure, timeline and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). One important mention was the Industry Workshop, which will be held in December – in Krakow, Poland – in order to collect the input from industry members of the raw materials sector in the ESEE region about the mobility routes for the students.
The third and last session of the event was dedicated to the representatives of the consortium partners Aalto University, La Palma Research Centre, University of Zagreb-RGNF and TU Wien. The presenters talked about relevant chapters of the guideline document on structured mobility, which was developed during the first semester of MOBI-US.
The presentations were the following:
- TU Wien: Mobility window organizational issues, best practices.
- Aalto University: Best practices for joint programs.
- University of Zagreb – RGNF: Opportunity analysis, challenges for the ESEE raw materials sector.
- La Palma Research Centre: Skills, competence gaps and needs of the raw materials sector.
After that, there were discussions and recommendations from the Advisory Board, in order to improve and align MOBI-US’ structured mobility network towards a successful conclusion.
Tomorrow, on 1 July 2020, there will be the second and last day of MOBI-US Online workshop event, with more presentations and discussions. Stay tuned!
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Consortium follow-up e-meeting – June 2020
The MOBI-US consortium partners had an e-meeting on the 18 June 2020 to discuss the project’s progress and upcoming activities. These meetings are taking place monthly, as envisaged in the initial work plan that was presented by the project coordinator – Ferenc Mádai – at the MOBI-US kick-off meeting in February 2020. In addition to the current state on the project’s updates and future steps, this opportunity was specially dedicated to discussions about the upcoming Online Workshop, which is going to be held on 30 June and 1 July 2020.
The meeting covered the organizational details for the event, such as the participants list, registration form, invitational document, the agenda, and, mainly, the partners’ tasks to be prepared prior to the workshop. The compiled guideline materials and education portfolios are being circulated among the MSc programs’ representatives from the partner institutions for consultation.
In addition, the consortium discussed management-related topics, such as the alignment between the four main pillars of MOBI-US (Time, Scope, Budget, COVID-19) before the closure of the first project semester.
Finally, there will be a second call for the Online Workshop, in order to raise interest from more participants, specially the competent personnel from the Master programs that will be offered. The partner universities are currently promoting the event internally, among their colleagues in the universities.

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